Improper wiring can be deadly, of course. But it can be deadly in a couple of ways. The first way, the one mentioned above, is electrocution -- a threat that can be quite high when you’re submerged in water while near improper wiring.
But improper wiring poses another threat at all times: fires.
Yes, if your hot tub is not wired properly, it could result in an arc fault or some other like issue, resulting in a fire within your walls. Sounds like a dangerous situation indeed!
If you want to avoid the dangers that can happen from wiring your hot tub yourself, just call on the experienced local San Antonio electricians at John Jones Electric. We have over 30 years of experience in the electrical business, so you can count on us to provide only the most reliable hot tub wiring for you!
Comfort is great, and it’s something you can get with a hot tub. But even better than comfort is safety -- which is something you can get by calling on John Jones Electric to get your hot tub wired for you!